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Time to look after your muscles

Written by Sally Diamond

January 27, 2023

So, its that time of year again when some of you will be going out to start training for that big event, whether its a charity run, a PB in a triathlon or pure fun such as the London to Brighton bike ride you all need to look after yourselves.

This is where deep tissue and sports massage can really help.  It’s vitally important that you look after your body so that you can achieve your best without injuring yourself

Whether you choose to have one a month, or every six weeks etc a massage can help because it can:

Reduce stress and improve sleep

Increase range of motion

Decrease muscle tension and muscle spasms Increase flexibility Remove toxins that build up during exercise Reduce chance of injury

If this is something that you are interested in to help you achieve your goals this year please email at  or me or give me a call on 07767754896.

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