Yes, its that time again! Traditional red roses, wining and dining..... or would you like something slightly...
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Pastures new
After 10 fabulous years working alongside the wonderful people at the Kent Sports Injury & Physiotherapy Clinic,...
Feed your Face
Yes I mean exactly that. This time of year is when our faces need lots of attention. The weather is...
Anatomical Studies
This may be a bit macabre for some people but as a therapist I enjoy continually learning on how best to improve my...
Time to look after your muscles
So, its that time of year again when some of you will be going out to start training for that big event, whether its a...
Sports Massage Myths
I have recently had a few new clients wanting sports massage but unsure as to whether it is right for them or if they...
5 Ways Massage Therapy Can Help Auto Accident Recovery
An auto accident is a traumatic experience and often leads to a physical injury. Even if you are lucky enough not to...